Consulting before the IMSS and INFONAVIT

Employer-employee fees paid to the Mexican Social Security Institute and INFONAVIT contributions represent an additional burden on the company payroll.

We provide the necessary assistance and advice in order to apply the respective legal provisions and regulations, which are often complex and involve sophisticated aspects.

We also carry out diagnostics in the following areas in order to ensure that the procedures used by companies are correct.

Attending to inquiries into the interpretation of the IMSS and INFONAVIT laws.
Issuance of opinions on compliance with social security obligations in order to dramatically reduce direct reviews by IMSS, and correct irregularities under favorable conditions.
Applications related to improper payments made by companies.
Representation before IMSS and INFONAVIT authorities in lobbying on behalf of our clients to secure specific resolutions on different complaints. A
Consulting on direct audits by IMSS and, in its case, on the observations contained in the respective minutes. A





Tax consulting

Consulting before the IMSS and INFONAVIT

Our clients